
So glad you stopped in to visit. Come back often.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Exciting News

Found the best garden tool yesterday-a wonderful husband with a skid-loader!  We spent the day moving large plants that had outgrown their home in my garden.  Had been wanting to change things for quite a long time and finally got a start on it.  While  working on that we discussed our plans to add some much needed room in my shop.  We are going to move a stairway and add the room it is in as shop space.  He said it couldn't happen overnight and I told him that was OK-next week would be fine.  Seriously though it should be open by fall.  It will be my shabby- chic- junque room and I'm already decorating it in my mind.  Hopefully the large flower gardens will keep me busy while he is doing the major part of the work.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Can you tell I like color?

Can you tell from the photos that I like color?  Primitive style and deep colors are my favorite things to live with.  I have many collections and change most areas with the seasons-my favorites being fall(Halloween) and Christmas.  During the spring and summer months much of my time is sprnt in the garden so my house reflects that during those seasons.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Darn Winter

Had planned to get some pics taken to post today but snow put an end to that idea.  Hopefully I can do this tomorrow.  Maybe now I could explain a little about the Prairie Christmas photo.  It is the show that is always the Friday and Saturday following Thanksgiving.  It is held in Kimballton Iowa.  It showcases the work of about 30 artists.  All items are handmade in a primitive style.  Most of them are one-of-a-kind.  It is part of the Julefest celebration in Elk Horn/Kimballton which draws a large crowd and is a lot of fun.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Just Starting

Have been following quite a few blogs and finally decided to create my own and show you what I do and how I decorate my home.  Will be adding photos soon.