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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

What a Week!

Well we're ready for the fun to start!  My wonderful husband and crew of helpers just spent two days getting ready for the annual Prairie Christmas show in Kimballton Iowa.  Due to the roof falling in at our former location the location changed this year.  The Immanuel Lutheran Church was kind enough for give us a new home for the show.  It is a wonderful location and was so much fun to set up  as it  has great nooks and crannies for the different  items  featured at the show.  They were so kind and helpful to all of us.  The show has been a part of the Julefest celebration for over 30 years.  It will be open Friday , Nov. 25 and Saturday, Nov. 26.  Am looking forward to the  festivities.  The following Friday and Saturday will be an open house at Rosey's Cellar shop with refreshments and a pre-Christmas sale.  Will try to post pictures of both next time. Have a wonderful turkey day tomorrow.