
So glad you stopped in to visit. Come back often.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

What a summer!

Sorry it's been so long since I posted but this has been quite a year.  We had almost no rain  and very hot weather for most of the summer.  I had a Master
Gardener's tour here in June.  The night they came it was 100 degrees at 6pm.  But we made a full tour and then retreated to the air-conditioned house for a meeting and lunch.  It has been so dry that our wells are not able to keep up with the use and my husband is now hauling in extra water .  He rigged up a pipeline from our pond so that I could keep my plants alive.  We have lost a couple of trees already.  The shop has also been keeping me busy and have done a show and an open house here.  Now we are headed for Clarinda IA for a show this weekend.  Then have another show in Pella in Nov. and then the big show called A Prairie Christmas the weekend following Thanksgiving.  It is a  large show and is filled with country primitive wares.  I love doing it so the work of getting it organized is worth it.  Well better get back to work and will try to post again soon.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Spring is finally here

After a ery unusual winter here in Iowa it seems that spring has finally really arrived.  It was a very busy time and I am sorry that I haen't posted more often.  There were several family things happening and time just got away from me.  Now the shop and gardens are taking up much of my time.  Have been working on lots of very different items for the shop.  Am posting some pics of the shop and some of the newest stuff.  Did a garden show in Atlantic IA and it was very interesting.  Hopefully will be posting new pics more often.  Have a wonderful day.